The Second Version


Not Gone Yet

Hey folks, missed me much?

I would be an understatement to say that I haven't blogged much lately.

I cannot even say that my days have been very busy - except some, but one way or another I found myself at bedtime with no time to dedicate to this site.

And I have pretty much lost steam, I have to add. Only few arguments stimulate me enough to post about them, and I do not want this blog to become too personal posting a lot about my private life.

So there you go, wait hoping for another post.

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Echi Lontani

Non è che della situazione politica italiana mi interessi molto, adesso. Sento le notizie come echi lontani, che hanno un impatto quasi nullo sulla mia vita quotidiana.

Però qualche opinione ce l'ho.

Sembra che questo governo sia alla frutta, e con la sua caduta potrebbe anche finire l'epoca del berlusconismo, se Berlusconi non tira fuori qualche altro colpo da maestro.

Però ormai sembra difficile: alle promesse di governo più liberale ormai non ci crede più nessuno, e nemmeno a quelle di meno tasse. Solo la riforma della giustizia potrebbe ancora attrarre consensi.

Con la fine di Berlusconi, l'Italia però non diventerebbe certo il paese di latte e miele dove le caprette fanno ciao. Rimarrebbero i problemi strutturali e culturali vecchi di decenni, che forse Berlusconi ha leggermente acuito ma la sinistra non si è messa a lavorare per risolvere.

Rimarrebbe la magistratura con le sue inchieste mirate al politico da abbattere; rimarrebbero gli scandali di cocaina, trans, escort eccetera.

Quei vasi di Pandora sono stati aperti da anni - da Tangentopoli e poi dall'antiberlusconismo più rabbioso - e non si richiuderanno facilmente.

L'unico vero rimpianto per l'era Berlusconi potrebbe essere la mancata riforma della giustizia, che possa limitare lo strapotere e lìimpunità della magistratura.

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President Rockstar - SE Asia Tour

One should see the coverage of Obama's visit on Indonesian TV to believe it.

It was a litany of Obama's ex-teacher, ex-playmate, ex-this and ex-that, and the house where he lived in Jakarta and the food he liked (nasi goreng, bakso and sate) for hours on end.

Quite obsessive, and more like the treatment given to celebrities and entertainment stars than heads of state.

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Goodbye Vista

My laptop came with Vista Home Basic included, and I have never been happy with that (there was and also Office 2007 trial version, which I replaced with Open Office and Thunderbird the day the trial license expired) operative system.

An entry-level Acer laptop cannot be expected to be blindingly fast, but with the specs of this machine, things should run smoothly at least. That didn't happen with Vista tho: startup and shutdown times were in the vicinity of geological; sometimes the system just hung up for half a minute or so with no apparent reason while the disk was spinning furiously. Changing something so trivial as network settings took a long digging through windows and menus structured and named according to some unknown and perverted logic.

Moreover, requests to confirm actions popped up every few minutes, and the final insult was that Skype would not work: it could keep trying to connect for hours without doing anything, and the application was most often not responding. In my situation Skype is very important to keep in touch with my family and other people in Italy.

So I decided to relegate Vista to the backup partition and install Ubuntu 10.04 in its place. Well, it has been a few days but my computing experience has improved greatly: the computer is finally springy, it starts up and shuts down in reasonable times and all the applications I need work fast and well. There are no problems with hardware, either. And I can be root, the terror of the filesystem!

I have no regrets and welcome Ubuntu.

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Breve Comunicato

Visti e ponderati i pro ed i contro; presi in considerazione i massimi sistemi e pure i minimi; valutate storia, economia e strategia globali, sono giunto ad una ferma conclusione:

Finchè non c'è violenza, non me ne frega proprio niente della vita sessuale di Silvio Berlusconi, e pure di altri politici oppure uomini d'affari oppure personaggi famosi per un motivo o per l'altro.

Fine comunicato

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