The Second Version


Good Riddance

So Saddam Hussein has finally been executed - and the ghouls are already searching the 'Net like mad for the thrill of his hanging video.

I surely won't shed a tear for Hussein - in fact, I think he got what he deserved, but Rick Moran is right: there is nothing fun about the fact, nothing to celebrate. I feel like a hard, nasty job has been done; satisfied but not happy.

What makes me roll my eyes is the position expressed by almost all the European elite (the common folks are a different breed): "We condemn Saddam's atrocities and recognize he was a brutal dictator BUT we think his execution is horrible anyway". I don't think this is a principled stance, and neither much simpathy for the man himself.

No, this is admitting that the Eurocrats don't know what to do in a case lying outside their worldview. They imagine a world without brutal dictators (but with a bureaucratic tyranny firmly in place; for our own good of course), and don't really know how to deal with one.

While we morally inferior people have this so unsophisticated view that scumbags are better dead and buried, at least sometimes.

In some other but partially related news, we have conclusive evidence that Hizballah systematically used human shields; and other "human rights" organizations downplayed the extent of this practice and even lied about it. Ah, the mighty NGOs... (thanks to Max Malvani).

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Vacche Sacre

Dispiace quasi constatare che in certi lidi anche il fascismo è divenuto un’intoccabile vacca sacra. Criticare o prendere le distanze da questo movimento significa vedersi appiccicate etichette non esattamente adulatorie, e trovarsi punti decurtati dalla propria patente di liberalità.

Questo è il comportamento che osservo in genere nei true believers, cultori e detentori di una purezza ideologica che non ammette eresie e tantomeno defezioni. Quella dei veri credenti è comunque una categoria che attraversa agevolmente i confini ideologici e culturali.

Un altro aspetto è quella della fin troppo frequente confusione fra alberi e foreste. Mentre alcuni provvedimenti presi nel periodo fascista, e diverse proposte della destra moderna (post-fascista?) sono condivisibili ed anche raccomandabili, mi trovo in profondo ed insanabile disaccordo con parti fondamentali della filosofia fascista. Se pensarla in questo modo mi rende un “neo-antifascista”, così sia. Anche se da parte mia mi ritengo un conservatore con simpatie libertarie – e più di tutto un indipendente con poca affinità per molte delle suddivisioni già fatte.

Quanto all’essere liberali, la condizione necessaria e sufficiente è non chiedere la soppressione di punti di vista sgraditi – e soprattutto, l’intervento dello Stato per farlo. Tutto il resto è bonus. In particolare, il liberalismo non richiede di apprezzare idee diverse. Ho il diritto, non negoziabile, di scegliere quali idee condividere ed apprezzare da un lato, e quali invece disprezzare e tenere a distanza dall’altro.

Spero che ormai la mia posizione sia chiara e ben definita, perché non sono molto incline a discutere ancora pacatamente della questione. Devo però specificare che non nutro un odio personale verso le persone citate in questo articolo e quello precedente, ma solo una profondo (e probabilmente insanabile) disaccordo per tutte o alcune delle loro posizioni.

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Annoyance the Umpteenth: Pityriasis Rosea

An itchy rash emerged on my skin a while ago, and after seeing a dermathologist I have the diagnosis: Pityriasis Rosea. It's still better than Tinea Corporis or a dreaded dermatitis, but an annoyance of itself.

Anyway, Merry Christmas all my readers!



Dangerous Nutcases

Sometimes, I find things that make me wonder if, in fact, "liberals" are right to state that most "conservatives" are knucle-dragging genocidal troglodytes. Look at this excrement I found on LGF for example. And lest anyone doubt, I saved a screen capture of the infamy (I don't think the comment will be deleted, because ploome is one of Charles' pet posters, but you never know).
Here it is, how lovely ploome states that Arabs are not human. And once you've accepted that, genocide becomes so much easier; it's a proven technique. The subsequent comment is pretty nasty as well.

No, she is not speaking in jest or satire, or even anger; she's got a long history of similar statements.

Before I even begin to take her positions seriously, she'd have to produce a peer-reviewed study (and not one published on the Journal of Rabbinic Studies*, for example) demonstrating the existence of a significative genetic drift. Otherwise, it's utter horseshit.

As for the subject of the initial LGF post, I'm not actually happy about rabbits being brutalized for no good reason. But I also know that in the great scheme of things - for the dense ones, international relations; regional and worldwide power equilibria and the like - this story is absolutely irrelevant. It's as meaningful as a bucket of ploome's own stale piss in the Pacific Ocean. Hell, the life of thousands of people is barely relevant in that context.

Moreover, even if that behaviour means that most Iraqis are irreparably savages, it still does not matter. Our priority is not to make them good or just like us, but to make them stop attacking us. If they revert to be backward savages in their own countries without messing with us, that's just fine.

*A publication that may exist or not, but I pulled out of my hairy butt to make an example of partisan and scarcely reliable source.

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No, i fascisti NON mi stanno bene

Dò un'occhiata al Castello, e ci trovo un post di Vandeaitaliana che ce l'ha a morte con Robinik. Mi pare che questa ruggine sia abbastanza di vecchia data, ma è la prima volta che la vedo in tutto il suo cupo splendore.

Devo dire che personalmente mi trovo piuttosto vicino alle posizioni di Robinik - anche se naturalmente non siamo sempre d'accordo.

Oggetto del contendere, questa volta, è Pietrangelo Buttafuoco, che ha un curriculum vitae di tutto rispetto ed è anche (pare) un bravo scrittore. Però si definisce fascista. Ed a Vandeaitaliana non piace che i fascisti vengano chiamati "feccia".

Calma, ragazzo. So che il fascismo comparato al nazismo è stato una passeggiata; so che con il Duce i treni viaggiavano in orario e posso pure ammettere che qualcosa di buono in senso lato sia stato fatto. Ma Mussolini ha pure preso una quantità di decisione sbagliate e malvagie (allearsi con Hitler, entrare in guerra; insensate avventure coloniali mentre il petrolio libico è rimasto inutilizzato, eccetera). Tuttavia, al suo centro il fascismo prevede la limitazione arbitraria delle libertà individuali; la persecuzione dei dissidenti; una società piuttosto collettivizzata e volta al ridicolo scopo di restaurare la gloria dell'Impero Romano, ed uno stato estensivo ed invasivo che controlla anche i fini dettagli della vita dei cittadini.

Per me chi si definisce fascista implica di trovarsi d'accordo con questa visione, e non lo posso accettare (a meno che non stia parlando a vanvera, oppure stia deliberatamente facendo una provocazione). E' impossibile conciliare una nostalgia per il Duce con "vita, libertà, ricerca della felicità" - che invece sono i miei principi ispiratori.

E capisco pure perchè qualcuno sia tanto esasperato dalla stato delle cose che consideri il fascismo come un'alternativa seria, ma per me ci sono dei limiti da tracciare anche se dividono il nostro fronte. No, i fascisti NON mi stanno bene.

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The Price of Inaction

Things do not happen just because, but there always are cause-effect relations and chain of events that produce a certain outcome. Even chaos does not break cause-effect the rule.

Causes of the observable outcomes can be laws of nature, human will, or a combination of both.

If we decide to take action, in most cases we can influence the outcome - in a way preferable for us.

But taking no action is no neutral position. It is equivalent to letting laws of nature take their course unhindered; when human will is involved, inaction is equivalent to letting the other actors do what they please.

An example is a soccer match (or an analogous sport of your choice): the ball follows Newton's laws of motion and the laws of fluid dynamics. But it has to be kicked and carried around by players with a precise intent. Both teams use a combination of laws of nature and their will to score goals and prevent the other squad from scoring in turn.

If one team's players decided to do nothing and just loiter around the pitch fooling around, the other team would win with no effort at all. They wouldn't just win; they'd score dozens of goals against nil.

Also doing nothing is a decision, and there is a price to pay even in this case. The price is to let the other party(s) take and maintain initiative.

In the specific case of the Iraq War, many of its opposers apparently favored a do-nothing stance. They usually don't spend much time examining the possible consequences of that, but they seem to imply that the pre-war status quo could be maintained indefinitely. Or that Saddma Hussein would just see the light and give up. Or that his regime would fade away, like Franco's or Pinochet's regimes.

In any case, they seem to disregard the fact that Saddam Hussein had a will of his own, and to the best of my knowledge his plans did not include stepping down quietly and retiring to private life. Rather, his plans included clinging to power as long as possible; having the sanctions lifted and rearm - and also restart NBC weapons (yes, I like this vintage expression much more than the overused WMD) programs.

In that case, the price of inaction was letting Hussein proceed with his plans. Action has been taken, and a price is being paid too. There is no way to know with any certainty which price is higher, and only time will tell where the action taken will lead.

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I was writing a post about unusual engineering, but Blogger ate it. Postponed untile I feel like writing again, then...



Sottili Differenze

Stasera stavo guardando la televisione, mentre bevevo un bicchiere di Nero d'Avola dopo cena, ed ho visto il servizio su quel tizio in Florida che ci ha messo molto più del previsto a morire dopo l'iniezione letale.

Ho visto i due servizi di Rai 1 e Rai 3, ed erano molto simili tranne che per una sottile differenza.

Rai 3 ha affermato che Diaz è stato condannato per l'omicidio del gestore di uno strip-club, senza testimoni e dopo essere stato accusato dalla sua ragazza.

Rai 1 ha affermato che Diaz è stato condannato per l'omicidio del gestore di uno strip-club, ed all'epoca faceva parte di una banda portoricana.

A voi il giudizio...

Quanto alla pena di morte in sè, non è questo tempo nè luogo per parlarne. Ma secondo me l'impiccagione con botola, che spezza immediatamente il collo, è preferibile a tante trovate più "umane".

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Missione Compiuta

Si, ce l'ho fatta! Ho finito e consegnato la mia tesi di dottorato! 130 pagine, 25 000 parole e grafici in abbondanza. Ci vorrà ancora qualche giorno prima che me ne renda davvero conto, ma almeno ora sono libero...

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The Final Rush

Ok guys & dolls, my doctoral thesis has to be submitted within December 22. I worked four years and something to reach this point, but it still comes by surprise; the end of any major endeavour always does.

Anyway, the next week or so will vary between busy and hectic. Do not expect much posting.

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Presunzioni Diverse

Leggendo questa discussione a proposito del Dossier Mitrokhin sul blog di Aribandus, sono arrivato ad una semplice conclusione.

Per l'Unione Sovietica e stati satelliti; per i comunisti ed affini (ed ora probabilmente anche i mussulmani) vale la presunzione d'innocenza. Non si possono ipotizzare complotti e devono essere creduti più o meno sulla parola.

Per l'America ed i suoi alleati; per i filoamericani e capitalisti; per gli ebrei vale la presunzione di colpevolezza. I complotti sono considerati automaticamente la spiegazione più probabile della realtà, ed ogni loro azione e dichiarazione deve essere considerata con il massimo sospetto.

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The Scale Issue

Another concept that does not easily sink in is scale. I already treated related arguments, but this subject deserves more exposition.

Things can be big or small, but often this makes sense only in relation to some other things. For example, take a rock that fits in your hand. It is smallish on a human scale, but it would be a whole world for bacteria living on it. Compared to an entire mountain, that rock is insignificantly tiny, tho.

In absolute terms, we can only state dimensions and weight of the rock. But even units of length and weight are pretty arbitrary (this does not mean they are useless, anyway).

The scale problem is of paramount importance in the energy field. There's a lot of nifty processes and devices out there to produce energy from renewable sources, and they do work; they're not scams. But they are suitable only on a small scale: 1 kW here, 5 kW there. This can be good for developing countries - rural China and Africa - where some energy would be better than nothing at all. With 1 kW you can run a fridge and some lights, or an electric cooker.

But in the developed world, where electrical consumption is measured in terawatts (TW, 1*1012 W) , those methods are insignificant.

Related case, a story reported by Tigerhawk: a Norwegian company plans to make biodiesel from liposuction waste fat. All well and good: it is definitely feasible from a technical standpoint, and saturated animal fats would probably make a better fuel than unsaturated vegetable oils, which can undergo unwanted polymerization and oxidation reactions.

But this company plans to produce 10 000 liters/week of biodiesel from the waste of one hospital in Florida. According to this reputable source, around 4 000 000 gallons of fuel oil were sold daily in the USA. This means 105 980 000 liters of fuel oil per week; 10 000 liters are barely 0.01% of the total. That is, insignificant.

Even if the scheme were extended to all liposuction centers in the USA and produced 100 times the biodiesel, it still would make up 1% of the total - without taking into consideration the energy costs of collecting waste fat, processing it and distributing the biodiesel.

Such a scheme would work better in the (unlikely) scenario of a smallish village built around an isolated liposuction center. Processing waste fat in situ, without need for transportation, would then satisfy a good part of the fuel needs of the village.

It's all about scale.

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Offense to Be Washed in Blood

Dr David Thorpe, you have crossed a line and thus sealed your fate.

The Legoins of Metal will get you, and you will taste torments so atrocious that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi would wince at the thought. Torments so unspeakable that Morgoth himself regarded them as a bit over the top.

You will be chained to a Marshall Wall that will play every single metal album, single, demo ever recorded since Ian Kilminster first picked up a bass guitar. All this while curvaceous metal girls will sexually molest you and humiliate your virility.

And that's just the warm-up part... when we'll be finished, you'll be the craziest, wildest, most fanatical metalhead ever seen in this world. Or you'll be dead, and Norwegian black metal kids will use your bones as sexual objects.

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Santa Barbara

Oggi, 4 Dicembre, è Santa Barbara - la patrona di carpentieri, artiglieri, artificieri, minatori, vigili del fuoco ed insomma tutti coloro che hanno a che fare con esplosivi, propellenti, incendiari. Ed è anche la patrona della MArina Militare Italiana. Se fossi religioso, sarei davvero devoto a Santa Barbara.

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